Have you ever had a dream that when you woke up you wished it could come true?
Every morning during breakfast I ask the children about their dreams. I enjoy hearing how their little minds work and think in their dreams. Sometimes crazy, sometimes good, they have bad dreams, dreams they call "foolish" because it was something they know God would not be honored with if it were true. Times when they can't remember, and dreams they would love to come true.
This past week, as Kaylyn slept hard and sound, she had a really good dream.
She was so excited about this dream she told me as soon as she woke. And when it was her turn at the breakfast table, she excitedly told her siblings of this great dream.
As I listened again, I decided I wanted to bless my precious daughter and make her dream come true.
So that afternoon, I began working on making it happen.
The girls and I gathered in the kitchen, got out our ingredients and got to work.
First we made dough. Then the girls took some and made shapes for each member in the family.
Each bread stick was made with much care and thought, choosing a shape that would be special to that loved one...
Then on our PIZZA dough, we spread our sauce on...
followed by cheese.
We dished it out along with the special shaped bread sticks,
gave thanks to the Lord and began eating...
"Our whole family was sitting around the table eating pizza......
and we were reading a story from 'Story Time with Grandma'. "
I see Kaylyn's eyes beaming with excitement as I hug her and tell her..."Sometimes dreams come true!"
It might be a simple dream to others, but it was a big dream come true for Kaylyn!I was glad to be able to make this dream come true for my loving daughter. She brings much joy to my life and I was glad to be able to bless her in this simple way.
I love you Kaylyn, I pray you have many more dreams come true!
Have you ever had a dream come true?
How wonderful that you were able to make her dream come true. I am sure she will remember that for years to come!
just found your blog from Cinnamon's blog....
how awesome to make your dd's dream come true.
I enjoyed reading here...
encouraged. loved the pics.
What a wonderful mom you are!! Not only do you care to hear of your children's dreams, you try to help them achieve those dreams. I pray for you often and miss you much!!
This is great, thanks for sharing.
That was so sweet! What a good Mama you are girl!
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