Sunday, April 25, 2010

It's Not To Early

Tears stream down the cheeks.

"Where has the time gone? My babies are growing up so fast! It seems like yesterday they were born. Tomorrow they will be getting married. "

Kaylyn ( @ 14 mos.)

Don't dry up those tears and start thinking of something else, begin thinking about the day they will wed.

What do you want to see? I'm not talking about a pretty white dress and a nice tux, the brides maids colors.......what is it you want to see in your child, and in their future spouse?

It's not to early to think and ponder on these things.

I want to see a groom who loves the Lord. He is ready to take the responsibility of headship over his bride from her father. A groom who will sacrificially love his wife as Christ loves the church. A gentleman who treats his bride like a lady. Caring for her, sensitive, open to communication. A man committed to prayer. A sense of humor. Trustworthy. Teacher to his wife in the ways of the Lord. Humble. Forgiving. Respected by those who know him. Not easily angered. His house is open to visitors. He loves others. Exercises patience. A groom whose faith will not waiver.
Caleb "E" (@ 2 yrs)

I want to see a bride who cherishes the Lord with all of her heart. She is ready to receive her groom to be her head, willing to submit to him. A bride who will rejoice in caring for her husband, a keeper of the home, cooking, cleaning, washing, with joy knowing she is honoring him. She is not a gossiper, but one who encourages other ladies, young and old, to be more like Christ. Honest. Quick to forgive. She is a prayer warrior for those around her. Patient. Full of hospitality. A gentle and quiet spirit.

This is what I want to see at the wedding for my children.

But with this comes much responsibility and training. Many tears and prayers.

Hours upon hours of training our children to fill the roles as God has intended for groom and bride. It will take much patience when I see them not portraying the characteristics of godliness. Persevering when I feel like I have failed. "How do I teach patience when I just became angry at my child and yelled at him."

Katie Faith (@ 2 yrs.)
Hours in the kitchen learning the tricks of cooking...and cleaning up.

Allowing that sense of humor to come out in a joke that is not funny to me, but cracks my child up.

Working together to get a grass stain out of the jeans, and how to properly clean the toilet.

Teaching the son to be a gentleman by opening the car door for his mommy.

Encouraging a time of quietness with Lord in prayer. Leading by example. Allowing my children see me pray and read God's Word.

Training in fixing things around the house, changing a tire, cutting the grass.

Memorizing scripture so the Holy Spirit can prick the heart and encourage the weary soul with these verses ingrained in their minds.

Allowing friends to come over and play. Giving their friends first choice on the game to play, or first choice in the color of cup they would like to use. Ways to start teaching on hospitality.
Elijah ( @ 8 mos.)

We parents have much to train our children in.

But what about their spouse. What do we do about them? We may or may not know them, this does not matter, for our Lord knows who they are.

So we pray.

We pray for their parents. For God to grant them wisdom in raising our future daughter or son-in law. We pray the Lord will work in the child's heart and grant them salvation at a young age, to avoid the many temptations in the world. We pray for the Lord to guide, protect, and prepare them for our child. Pray the family will have a home full of joy in the Lord.

I encourage you,the next time you look at your little one, growing up too quick, shed those tears of missing the younger days, and then get down on your knees, thank God for these precious moments, and then pray to our Lord for guidance raising this little one in training to be a lady or man.

For it's not to early.

................Tears pour down the cheeks................

"Where has the time gone? It seems like yesterday I was holding you in my arms, calming your cry. Now I sit here in church at your wedding," so I imagine...sob.
Zechariah (@ 9 mths)

Then I glance at my child's spouse...with tears in my eyes, knowing I have prayed for this spouse for many years. Since they were a babe. Rejoicing in this answered prayer.

Both are dressed up in their pretty gown and nice tux, but all I can think of is the many years I have prayed and looked forward to this sweet time of union between the two.

Lord, help me in raising my children. Give me discernment. Use me to reflect you in spite of my failures. Forgive me each time I show them something not like you, Oh God! Use me in their lives for your own glory. I pray for my future daughter and son-in laws, draw them unto you, prepare their hearts to be a godly spouse. Give me a love now, for my daughter-in-law, my future son-in-law. Thank you God for the precious moments you have given me with my little ones, I look forward to seeing them grow up, and Lord-willing, become a son and daughter that will honor you in their role as a husband or a wife.


Mrs. Pat said...

What a blessing! Being past the time of meeting my future son and daughter -in-law I cannot say how true your words are!! We prayed for our children's spouses and God blessed us richly. Do nothing until you have prayed is certainly true. God bless you and thank you because you have reminded me that I have a responsibility to pray for the spouses of the children of my church family. I love you and miss you!!

Amy said...

Such a sweet, touching, and truthful post!!! Thanks for sharing this:) Great reminder for all of us parents.

Unknown said...

Oh yes. Time passes so quickly. Really kind of sad. I have 2 married already out of my dozen. I really wish sometimes I could stop the clock!

Your catchy blog name caught my attention and I had to stop over and visit.

Mountain Mama said...

Very well said! AND amen!

Cinnamon said...

We were just listening to Voddie Bauchams "The 4 P's" on what a husband needs to be before he can marry my dtr. It is soo good!!

Prayer is so important. God does and can do so much where we lack in discernment, diligence and wisdom.

Enjoying them ~now~ and preparing for ~then~
