"This is really happening" I whisper to myself.
"Are we making a mistake?"
"What about my friends?...will they forget me?"
"The kids, are they going to adapt ok?"
" This is where my kids were born. I have all my memories here. AJ has come so far fixing up the house from when we purchased it as a foreclosure."
I cry out to God.
I e-mail a friend who has just gone through the same thing. (Thanks Nikki, for your words of encouragement.)
I am feeling tense all over my body, trying to dry my tears as I watch the men exiting their truck.
After a brief discussion how things will go, the men quickly get to work.
I asked the men if this "blue carpet" was for me since I AM Queen Christine:
On the night before I was to leave for Texas to meet the men at our "new" house, I had dinner with my good friend, Amy. After leaving, I took the kids to a friend's house ( Julie) to spend the night. After getting them settled for bed,
I headed towards Amy's house to spend my last evening in Baton Rouge playing games and relaxing with her and her husband.
It was around 9:00 when I left. As I was driving, I came upon a point in the road I was not familiar with. I could not tell where the road was headed, hit a curb, almost went into the other lane, with a car headed straight towards me, spun a little, and then stopped. I was shaken up a lot, the baby was crying, Elijah was still sleeping. I pull over to check the van to see this:
A flat tire. My friend's husband, Clay, who is a mechanic, comes to my aide and we head back to her house for the night. (Thank you Clay for your kindness. You and your family are great blessings to us.)
I head out for Texas the next day after getting a new tire, and a quick, heartfelt lunch made by my friend, Taryn.
I have to say, with all this anxiety I felt on these few days was because I took my eyes off of Christ. I looked to my own strength, which never gets me far. I started to doubt, fear crept in. I was a mess inside.
I thank God for Him restoring me with HIS strength, HIS hope, in my weakness. I give Him all credit and glory for His strength.
2 Corinthians 13:9 (King James Version)
"For we are glad, when we are weak, and Ye are strong..."
To God be all the glory for His strength in this hardship.
Praise the Lord he kept you safe during that flat tire. I can't even imagine how hard it must have been to move. We have moved several times, but that was before children. I know it must have been tough.
How could Queen Christine's forget her? We are still praying that God will return you to us someway, someday.
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