"Are you crazy? You are going to stay in a hotel with FIVE kids for a week?"
"I would rather be without my husband for a week than stay in a hotel with kids."
"Are you out of you mind?"
"Better you than me!"
These were just a few comments I received.
To be honest, when I thought about staying in the hotel room with 5 kids, I cringed.
I knew I had to come up with a plan. For my sanity.
So thus, I started jotting ideas down of what we could do for this long week.
Make tents.

Play "Old Maid."
These were my plans.
So thus, we headed out and I was ready to "fight the good fight" knowing my week was going to be hard.
Well, one week turned into 2, which turned into 3, and eventually ended up to almost two months.
During these two months, I learned a lot. But the biggest thing I learned was...I enjoy my kids.
Say what? I am just learning this?...Unfortunately, yes.
You see, being a wife, "Keeper of the Home" (which includes 3 meals a day, laundry, bathrooms, stepping on and picking up toys, constant training of children, dog trainer, window cleaner...sometimes...floor sweeper, and more.), a homeschooler, active servant in my church, friend, daughter.
With all of these "so important"things, I lost my focus of what a true mother should be.
Sad? Yes.
All of my "duties" took front place over my children. Isn't this what a good wife and mother is all about? Being able to manage everything and still have a clean house?
Sadly, my kids would frustrate me because I was trying to get something done. I did not have

Then came our life at the hotel.
No need to make breakfast, it was in the lobby waiting for me. I had a "personal maid" each day to clean our bathroom, make our bed, dust, etc. Laundry would be saved for our weekend at home, which was also used to cook meals for the week so we did not have to eat out.
With this extra free time, I had the chance to "do" things with my kids.
We went to different parks. Colored together. Played "Bible Tag", made up games, tickled one another, observed bugs, snuggled, sang songs, stare contests, read books.
I learned that my kids are fun.
Wow. Sitting here now brings tears to my eyes.
The time I missed with my kids for "so called" "duties"?
Sure, I have responsibilities in the house, but isn't a top priority, as a mother, to nurture and love my kids for the Lord?
Work will always be there, but my kids will not. They are growing up quickly. I will have young men and ladies in my house soon. I would be foolish to let this time pass by and not to enjoy my children.
My children are precious. They are fun. I enjoy spending time with them. I enjoy getting down on the floor and playing "doggy", or going outside to play "Catch the Cow, Cowboy".
Learning this lesson was the best thing for me. I thank God very often for our long stay in the hotel. To be honest, I was sad when it was over. To not have my precious children not in the same room with me at all times, in close quarters, is sad. I miss the closeness it brings. And the children miss it also. Just tonight I had one ask if they could "move in with mommy and daddy".
Words will never express the gratitude I have for my Lord, Jesus, for bringing me to this place of

Though I have returned to my normal "duties", I now devote time each day to have fun with my children.
I still have my moments of "losing sight" of what God taught me. I get busy in my day to day activities, get frustrated for "them messing up MY plan", tell them I am busy and "it will have to wait". But at the end of the day, as I lay my tired body down in bed, the Lord gently reminds me of HIS lesson taught to me. I am not perfect at this, but I shall continue to try my hardest to be the mom they deserve, the mom God created me to be.
I spend time with my children not just for them, but also for me, as a mommy, who loves and enjoys these gifts from God.
So, to the comments I received:
"Are you crazy? You are going to stay in a hotel with FIVE kids for a week?" Yes, and I would do it for seven more.
"Are you out of you mind?" Nope, just a mom who loves her children.
"Better you than me!" I agree.

I am proud to be your Mommy.